Pitch Zoo – September

Today three individuals pitch an inning at the September Pitch Zoo event.  Here are several pictures of Jessica, Matt, and Stacy in action earlier this evening: And here Jessica and Stacy show off their newly earned Pitch Zoo t-shirts. The next Pitch Zoo event will be on October 7th, same place (@ Maestro), same time (6:30pm).  RSVP.    

…but my idea will be stolen if I pitch

A post by Daniel Tunkelang made me think about revisiting a question that I inevitably get from potential entrepreneurs. Actually, it is usually the first question I get from people that are thinking about pitching their business idea, and it pertains to fear.  The question goes something like, “…but won’t someone steal my business idea if I talk about it [ too soon …

Pitch Zoo – August

Earlier this month, four of the five companies that are in the summer cohort at WMU’s Starting Gate practiced their pitch at the August Pitch Zoo event.  These companies were: Fish Ninja Labs, Xcheapskate, RGroup, and FindersKeepers.  They were working on talking succinctly about the important parts of their business idea in order to get the Kalamazoo startup community excited …

WSJ -> Wil Schroter: Focus on the Simple, Painful Problem

Wil Schroter, the co-founder and CEO of Fundable.com says that with entrepreneurs trying to sell their ideas to investors, customers and prospective employees, they need to keep things simple in their pitch.  To do that, they must also have a simple, painful problem that is being addressed with their business idea. Read Article: Focus on the Simple, Painful Problem by Wil Schroter …

Pitch Zoo – June

Last night was the June Pitch Zoo event.  Although we had a small group, we had a great conversation with the 3 individuals that pitched an “inning”.  The pitchers were able to practice their pitch and receive feedback on their pitch (and their business idea if they wanted it).  They did a wonderful job — thanks Joe Armstrong (Trakgear), Mark …