EFactor has a few things on how to make your pitch better, including how to practice

EFactor has put together a video featuring six elements that you should include in your pitch. These tips come from last year’s F50 Funded contestants:

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The 6 things to include in your pitch:

  1. The team
  2. The problem and your solution
  3. Traction / milestones
  4. Market size
  5. Competition [ comparison ]
  6. Financing [ past and current ]

Also, EFactor listed 5 pointers on how to better practice your elevator pitch:

  1. Pay special attention to your body language
  2. Review video of yourself giving the pitch and use it to revise its language
  3. Keep practicing until you are totally confident with your pitch, then practice some more
  4. Mix up the ways you practice. Some will say that you need to practice in front of a mirror
  5. Actively time how long it takes you to give your pitch