Pitch Zoo – March

Last night was the March Pitch Zoo event — the last monthly community workshop that PZ will hold. There were four companies that practiced their pitches, and received feedback from the community: Connor Pray / Ryan Davis, Ryan Goins, Austin Scott, and Tyler Lemke. Additional pictures from the activities. After 53 innings being pitched over two years, the game has come …

Article: 4 Powerful Presentation Lessons from Apple [ and Steve Jobs ]

This article, “4 Powerful Presentation Lessons from Apple” [ and Steve Jobs ], is about presentations, not specifically about pitching (how to succinctly talk about the important parts of your business).  However, the 4 points that are highlighted are prudent for talking about your business (idea) in a pitch. They are: Keep your main message SIMPLE — and Tweetable (this …

Pitch Zoo – February

Last night was the February Pitch Zoo event.  Two individuals / companies practiced their pitches, and received feedback from the community. Additional pictures from the activities.

Article: Your Pitch is Just the Beginning: Walking the Line on Little White Lies

When “pitching”, show your idea / startup / company in a positive light, but DO NOT cross the line of not telling the truth: Article: Your Pitch is Just the Beginning: Walking the Line on Little White Lies by Elizabeth Usovicz, General Manager of Transaction Commons “There’s nothing wrong and everything right with presenting your startup in the best possible …